In Matthew 19:14 Jesus said,
“Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Our Children’s Ministry Team is always busy ministering to the various needs of our children.
They have programs that are designed to reach every age. Preparation for their students begins long before Sunday morning. Since our staff has the interest of their children at heart, great care and concern goes into each lesson to insure that every child is ministered to.
The children have a great time while learning about the Lord, Bible facts and life in general. We have a great responsibility to lead our children down the right path and teach them the ways of the Lord. We feel blessed to have each one of them and we do not take this blessing lightly.
Since Sunday School is one of the most tried and proven forms of outreach in the church today, we feel that we are truly reaching into the future by ministering to the present.
On the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, our children meet in the annex building for Children’s Church. This is a service led by our Children’s Ministry Team with praise and worship songs, prayer, and preaching of the Word at their level.
Throughout the year we have lots of special opportunities for our children to get together for fun, fellowship and growth, including girls and boys outings, Bible Quizzing Teams, Summer Camps, Vacation Bible School, and rallies.
An active youth program is vital to any church. Our Youth Team works very hard to maintain a tremendous revival atmosphere among our young people.
In addition to our youth services, throughout the year we have lots of special opportunities for our students to get away, have some fun and grow. Our youth travel to district functions that not only include church services but fellowship as well. At these events, our young people are filled with the Word, and they are shown how to be a Christian and have good clean fun.
We strongly believe that investing in our youth today will make better adults tomorrow.
Make the INVESTMENT, they are WORTH it.
Our Men’s Ministry Team works diligently to insure that our men are connected by making sure our church calendar includes a number of events that will encourage and mobilize our men to the ministry of the kingdom.
Listed below are the varied ministries that all work under the umbrella of this vital department.
The Men’s Fellowship Team plans several meetings and functions throughout the year that keep the men of our church connected to one another.
The Usher and Hostess Team ascertains that everyone who attends or is a guest of our church is accommodated.
The Maintenance Department works diligently all throughout the year making sure that the landscaping is in tip-top condition. Since this is the first impression that our guests and community have, we feel this is just as vital as any other department or function of our church.
The Ladies’ Ministry has always represented a very strong force. Our ladies help in a variety of ways to propagate the message of hope to all they meet. The ministries listed below are just a few of the things that we do in order to reach people both here and abroad.
Our annual Mothers’ Memorial promotion and offering is vital to the strength of our local ladies’ group.
Our Church Socials are always a success under the careful direction the Ladies’ Ministry Team. Because we believe that fellowship is vital to the effectiveness of evangelism in our community, we host several annual events.
With the marriage of young couples and the birth of new children in the church, the Ladies’ Ministry Team oversees the functions of weddings and baby showers. This insures that we are able to help these people during this special time in their lives.
Our Benevolence Team works tirelessly to insure that the families that have suffered any loss or devastation in their lives are ministered to by way of providing food and supplies for them during this trying season. This is an important extension of the Ladies’ Ministry. Through this venue we are able to help heal the hurting.
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